tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Hallo and Wellcome

This is the very first attempt to write a post on the very first day of being a "blogger".
This blog has been on my mind for a long time, and I guess the meaning of it unfolds on the way. Part of my purpose is to capure and recognize some of all the bright little moments in life, and to share them with whatever or whoever wants to read and listen. We live in a world, where the daily news is often coloured by all the disasters and hopelessness in the world. And one can have periods or days, where life seems not bright at all, and where darkness colours even the sunny hours. However, I have come to learn, that even through dark periods it is always possible to look for, and find even a small bright moment, that can lift the spirit. It can be a smile, a friendly hand, the smell of a flower, the gratitude of simply being alive and knowing that at least God must love you and have a purpose for your existence.
Today has been filled with bright moments for me; I met my very dearest friend, who helped me establishing this blog (layout, photo, etc.), and whose blog I´ll recommend you to read; It is called http://www.godslittlepeople.blogspot.com/ (hope the link will lead you there :-) ). She has encouraged me to start a blog of my own, since I often have much at heart, that I share with her on email (she lives in another country than me). So I guess now, dear Joan, that you don´t have to "be subject" to all my thoughts every day, since I can now choose to write some of it on this blog as well LOL ;-)
So this is my attempt to start a new chapter of life, and this is all for today. Have a bright day! :-))

3 kommentarer:

  1. I am MIGHTY impressed! (links and all!!!) LOL
    I look forward to following all your lovely little sequins!

  2. Hello Anna E, congratulation on your new blog, I am sure it's going to be a wonderful one to read. Also I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the amazing comments on my blog.
    Can't wait to read your more and best of luck in this wonderful endeavor!

  3. Thank you SO much GLP and Sunshine for your comments, and to my daugher Mie for following - you already made my day even brighter! :-))
