mandag den 13. juni 2011

Memory Lane ...

Inspired by yesterdays post with old photos and memories, I was caused to look in my photo album again today. Thirty years old photos don´t come out with much quality to the picture itself, however the values and sentiments behind the pictures do;
Ever since my first day on earth, my grandmother (Mormor - my mothers mother) has been probably the human I have loved the most and had the closest relationship with. She was there when I was a baby, and helping to feed me milk from the bottle, so my mother could sleep just a little longer in the mornings during my first two weeks of life. She was always there for me, and when I was 7 years old I spent some weeks of my first summerholiday with her in her house and garden in a beautiful part of Denmark, called Mols. On the picture above you can see a small part of her garden, which she loved and tended to all days during the summer. The other parts of the garden was a lawn with fruit trees, and a large part was with vegetables of all kind. She had all the days of her life been a hardworking woman, helping farmers with harvesting potatoes, milking their cows etc.
This is a view from the area close to her house, where one can see the ocean and the fields. I often took long walks, and since three of her sisters lived in the same small village, sometimes went for small visits by them for a "treat" of cake and a candy :-)
One of the things I LOVED about my grandmother was the fact that she taught me how to play cards! Every day, after dinner, she would go out in the garden for another hours or so, and afterwards she always agreed on playing cards before bedtime. I was always impatient as to when she would be ready for the cardgame, so one evening she told me to call her at 8 o´clock. I tell you, I was looking at my watch every minute, and when finally it was 8 o´clock, I ran to the door and shouted out (very) loud: Grandma´- it´s 8 o´clock!!! - as if the house was on fire! ;-)) So of course she came in immidiately, with a smile on her face, and we could start the precious hour of playing cards!
On another ocation I remember an evening with thunder and lightening; She turned out all the electrical lights an put on a candle, in order to not attract the lightening. I remember I sat on her lab, and although it was kind of frightening, the thought came up in me: If I am to die now I don´t mind, cause I´ll be with my grandmother... so dearly did I love her, that I couldn´t immagine a better way to "go"...

She lived till she was almost 89, and managed to stay in her own house almost till the end of her days. When she had gone I was in a huge grief, and wanted to keep everything from her house, especially some lovely flower plates and tiny coffe cups, that she wanted me to have. I still have a precious link with those items. And after she had gone, I knew that in order to honour her memory, it was now up to me to take up some of her precious qualities and make a space for them in me. I am not sure if I have succeeded, but writing these lines at least give me an opportunity to share with you some of my value for her. And if we meet our loved ones when we die, I´ll surely look forward to "seing" and feeling her again. I hope and believe that she is now part of Gods wonderful garden-team, and feeling as wanted and needed and loved as when she was walking on earth ... <333
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3 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for sharing these precious images. I can truly understand the feelings you are writing about... it is exactly the way my grandfather made me feel. So many similarities... the house and garden seem so similar and I've also had the thought that God must have a wonderful gardener in him. What a sweet thought that they're there together making Gods garden more magical.

  2. Beautiful post.

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful sentiments with us, your Grandmother sure looks like a special lady, reminds me of mine that just passed a couple of years ago.

    I grew up with my Grandmother living next to us for a few years, and I also had a very amazing relationship with her as well.

    I think we are very lucky to have angels like them looking after us from heaven and close to God.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I remember my Grandmothers photo albums. Pictures much older than the ones you posted. Old dead relatives I never knew. Since she died, now nobody knows who they are. My cousin has the photos.
