lørdag den 4. juni 2011

Seek and you shall find..

Two days ago was the day of my oldest daughters Confirmation ceremony in the church, which you see on the picture. And old danish village church built in the year 1150..! It was such a bright and wonderful day, sunny and warm, and with wonderful compagny from family and friends.

After the guests had left, she was studying her many presents and reading in a very special book from her Godmother.
It was as if the day summoned up and crystalized all the best of her and her relation with God, which she has now confirmed to have. I hope she will always feel the company of something "higher" /God, and know that she is never alone.

Perhaps - if you have had the Confirmation ceremony - you have memories of how it was for you and if it has meant anything special to your life?

Have a lovely day, and keep seeking :-))
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3 kommentarer:

  1. Yes, I do remember my confirmation and like you said, it is a very special ceremony to acknowledge once again that God is always by yourself.
    Congrats to your daughter in such an important step in life, may she always be surrounded with blessings. (By the way, her dress is beautiful!)

    On another, thanks for lovely comments you always leave in my blog. I am glad you are back to blogging. Take care and have a lovely week!

  2. I believe it's a very big step for a young person if they are truly able to CONFIRM that belief in God. For most young people it's an empty act to get to the presents and the BIG treat. For myself it was only much later I could take in what my chosen words was about "Disse tre; tro, håb og kærlighed, men størst af dem er kærligheden."I believe it also takes a lot of commitment on behalf of the parents to instill what the importance is about - seems you've been able to give her a precious gift in that act alone.
    Yes, she does look truly lovely.

  3. Thank you both for the good wishes and support :-) I am glad to say, that she absolutely chose the ceremony because of a belief in God. Actually, at the party she went to her room after the buffet (food and drink) to play cards with the other children, and some other guests had to call her down and remind her to start unwrapping the gifts..!! And she was so full of real appreaciation for each single gift without any expectancies, so that was so great to watch. :-))
