torsdag den 5. maj 2011

Sanctuary for a growler bee

Yay, it worked out with Picasa pictures, so there is illustration for my little sequin today; Some days ago my youngest daugher (9 years old) and I went for a walk. On the local camping ground she suddenly saw a big bee, called a growler, and wanted to hold it, since it looks so soft. She absolutely loves animals and is the kind of girl, who saves even a rain-worm, if she sees one at the pavement :-) Well, she immidiately spotted, that this growler could only use two of its legs, so she was concerned that a car might come and run over it..! At first I thought she might get a sting, but she told me, it wouldn´t harm her. So she lifted it up, and wanted to place it in a safe spot. However, the bee wouldn´t leave the warmth of her hand, so she decided to let it stay and carried it home to our own tiny garden. And on the photos you can see the magical "home" she gave it in an old iron pot in the garden - wouldn´t you want to go on a retreat there, if you were a bee? :-) She was so pleased to see, that it was drinking the nectar from the flowers, and even wanted to bring it inside the house over night. But we explained to her it would be better off outside in the garden. Next morning she rushed out to see, if it was okay, and it was gone! So hopefully her loving care and fresh flowers had given it strength to fly again. Anyway - it really moved me, and shined a light into the day, and still does :-))

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3 kommentarer:

  1. WOW! That's a pretty big bee, I've never seen one that big before. I am glad that your daughter is so into helping all animals, that is a very nice and important skill to have nowadays!! Have a wonderful rest of the day :)

  2. It's absolutely moving - what a BEAUTIFUL safe haven for it to recover. Children ARE connected to another realm - a world we would do well to reconnect to. Childhood is so full of beauty... it's Godly blessed.

  3. - oh, and well-done with the images!!
