tirsdag den 24. maj 2011

Bridge over (troubled) Water ...

Sweden summerholiday 2010
I´m having really big troubles these days with commenting on blogs or posting on my own blog. So maybe you can´t see the image above, I can´t!? :-)(   Well it was supposed to be a picture of my daughters standing on a bride over a lake in Sweden, the youngest one with a fishing rod. And I chose it to illustrate the post of today;

I don´t know about you, perhaps you are surrounded by good collegues at work? So am I - mainly, that is.. One of them (I don´t work with her every day though) is making my day into a night-mare. She is the kind of person, who can judge you just by looking at you with such critisism in her eyes, and such sharpness in the tongue. Whatever I say to her is turned against me, so I´ve decided to not say a word, which  also feels odd..!!

Then - when I was driving home from work today, I crossed a bridge, where the waves were big and green-grey with white on top of them. The sky was looking dramatic with darkgrey clouds, as if thunder was in the air - a perfect match of my mood after the day at work...  However, returning home, I felt suddenly felt SO blessed to be greeted by my  lovely family, who met me with warmth and interest, and where I feel absolutely loved, unconditionally. Not that we don´t have disagreements and arguements, of course we do. But just the fact of knowning, that tomorrow they will be there, and we´ll give each other a "clean sheet" over and over again - isn´t that worth more than all the treasures in the world?

Whatever happends, whatever obstacles appear, we can talk about them, have a laugh about them, or sometimes make a "theatre" about them; Today I somehow came into a discussion with my oldest daughter (14) about the role of psychologists. I tried to explain in what way one can get help from a psychologist (not that I tried it but have read a lot about psychology). Instantly I was into a "theatre play" with a couple visiting a psychologist, and acting the part of all three of them. My daughter thought it was a bit "scary" since it seemed so real, and I must have been immitating them quite well without knowing. Anyway, it all ended with lots of laughter, and the couple - who had considered getting a divorse - ended up understanding and loving each other again. Not bad, ah? LOL!!

So in case I get fed up with the woman at work, maybe I should concider opening my own counselling /coach /psychologist business - what do you think? ;-))

Have a lovely and loving day <3

torsdag den 12. maj 2011

Wonderful Michael...!

A tribute to one of my favorite singers, songwriters and dancers ever: Michael Jackson. Since my early youth I have listened to, and danced to, songs like "Rock with You" and "Blame it on the Boogie". But it wasn´t untill two years ago it was made clear to me the huge variaty of songs, he has sung over the years, and the world has really lost a unique man when he passed away. But there is no doubt in my mind he will be remembered for generations to come, since children and youngsters have started listening to his music as well.

My oldest dauthter is soon going to have her Confirmation ceremony in church, and the vicar is a very "modern" kind of vicar, who uses film clips and music in the teaching of the candidates for Confirmation. So the other day on Facebook he posted a surgestion, which said "Is this the post - or preludium for the Confirmation in june?". He had posted a music video with The Beatles singing "Let it be". I wrote a respons saying something like "yes! great idea!" and then surgested that Michael Jacksons "Heal the World" could be played as for example the postludium. So - to my surprise - today on Facebook the vickar had posted the Youtube video of "Heal the World" and asked the same question, whether this would fit for pre - or postludium for the Confiramtion. So you can imagine my response, right? ;-))

I´ll try to copy the link here, so you can hear it as well, but if I don´t suceed, it is very easy to find it on Youtube. So hope you enjoy it, I simply love that song and the whole sentiment inside of it. Yes, Michael is really connected to much more than boogie rhythms, and has written books as well, which are very moving to read. He is such a gentle and fine Spirit ~ may he rest in Peace ...

Have a wonderful and hopeful day :-))
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more Michael

Sorry, forgot to write, that the photos are from a calendar, and the Photographs are: MJJ Productions Inc.


mandag den 9. maj 2011

Healing Gardening ...

Photo by Claus Dalby

I have always LOVED being in a garden...!! My childhood garden was filled with all kinds of flowers, berry bushes and secret places where one could hide without being found :-) My grandmothers garden was much bigger and filled with vegetables, fruit trees as well as flowers and a big lawn. I loved spending time in that garden and around my grandmother, and watch her, as she was gardening and making everything bloom...

For many years - after leaving my childhood village - I lived in appartments in big cities, since a house with a garden was not within reach financially. And during all those years I longed so much for a garden and the wellbeing of spending time with it. Finally, 3 years ago, we managed to get a house with a tiny garden on one side of the house, and I cannot express the feeling of finally being able to walk barefoot on "my own" lawn (although one cannot "own" part of the Planet since it is a home for all living things) and do exactely what I want in the garden. The joy of watching the first springflowers appear after a long winter - the dew on the grass in the morning - all so breathtaking and regenerating..

Some days ago I read a very interesting article; Scientists have now discovered that some bacterias - called Mycobacterium vaccae - that live in the ground, affect the brain cells, which (when breathing in the bacterias released by digging in the ground) then release "serotonin" in the brain, which makes humans happy! Scientist discovered this by an incidense, when people with lungcancer were treated with the bacteria, and afterwards felt much better and happier. All one needs to do, is to dig and turn the earth upside down, and the bacteria will whirl up in the air, and up in the nose of the person doing it..!
So this makes a lot of sense to me why many people love gardening. And also makes me wonder if illnesses like for example cancer, could be prevented by the simple fact of having a garden and doing (healing) gardening ...

Have a happy and healing week ~

søndag den 8. maj 2011

Mother´s day

Today started with a great surprise; I was woken up by my youngest daughter, who called me up for breakfast, and I pretended I had totally forgotten, that it was Mothers day!... :-) She had made me a lovely drawing, and my husbond had been to the bakery and bought my favorite buns... and picked some small flowers in the garden :-)

Yesterday the girls had bought me a flower pot and two chocolate-covered marzipan bars as a surprise gift for today, uhmmm...

So the rest of the day I was filled up with the energy of love and appreaciation from my family, and I know that I am SO lucky to be a mother of such lovely girls. Although it is much work and a huge responsability to be a parent, it is the greatest gift I have ever recieved - except from my own mother giving birth to me. And a day like today surely charges my "battery" so I can go on for the next 364 days! ;-D

Hope you have had a wonderful day on Mother Earth ... :-)
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fredag den 6. maj 2011

Gift of Life ...

Like most children I have always LOVED getting presents for birthday and christmas. I could hardly sleep the night before my birthday, and since christmas in Denmark is celebrated in the evening of december 24th, the day felt v e r y long, and part of it was used for practising the chrismas carrols, so I knew each of them by heart when finally the candles were lit in the christmas tree ...

Over the years I have begun to love GIVING presents as much as (or maybe even more) recieving them. Especially when I´m fullhearted into it, which mostly I am. The joy of choosing a special piece of gift-paper, the right coloured string, and a card that matches what is inside the present. The exitement of seing or hearing about the response from the reciever, and whether the gift was "right" for the person. It´s all an overspill of love in the end, and eventually a way of expressing this love or care or appreaciation for another, by giving a fysical gift.

What came to my mind today was, that actually my life is like that; A Gift from God ... My spirit and soul, and what else lives inside of me, is "wrapped up" in the body and clothes, and surrounded by the home I live in, which is surrounded by the country I live in, and by the Planet and the Universe.
A wise man once said "What is on the outside is on the inside, but what is on the inside is not necessarily on the outside". So like a gift is wrapped in paper, the paper can tell something about what is on the inside of the package, but what is really on the inside is still hidden until it is unwrapped.
So looking at a human being, one can often tell what life has been like for that person, but not all of their experiences or feelings or values are seen on the outside - though felt perhaps, if one is sensitive ...

SO - could it be, that this gift from God - which life is to me - comes with an agreement, that I accept "the whole package", which might involve having certain obstacles in life, like fx being handicapped in some way, loosing parents early in life, being allergic, having struggles in school etc. etc. (the above mentioned is only examples, not personal experiences)? Or is it that I expect life to be perfect, be wrapped up in pink paper, or else I get annoyed? Could it be that each of us have got a unique life with the necessary obstacles to overcome, because God - from love and care - knows that that is exactely what we need in this life?

I don´t know if this makes any sense to you, but to me it did, when it came to my mind. And it also makes me think, that in stead of envying another of their seemingly "perfect" - and nicely looking - life, I am meant to see and appreaciate my own life as the unique and special gift it is - and to share it and give to others what they might want and need. And in that way feel the joy and exitement, which I feel when giving a "fysical" birthday present to another... :-)

Have a "gifted" Weekend
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torsdag den 5. maj 2011

Sanctuary for a growler bee

Yay, it worked out with Picasa pictures, so there is illustration for my little sequin today; Some days ago my youngest daugher (9 years old) and I went for a walk. On the local camping ground she suddenly saw a big bee, called a growler, and wanted to hold it, since it looks so soft. She absolutely loves animals and is the kind of girl, who saves even a rain-worm, if she sees one at the pavement :-) Well, she immidiately spotted, that this growler could only use two of its legs, so she was concerned that a car might come and run over it..! At first I thought she might get a sting, but she told me, it wouldn´t harm her. So she lifted it up, and wanted to place it in a safe spot. However, the bee wouldn´t leave the warmth of her hand, so she decided to let it stay and carried it home to our own tiny garden. And on the photos you can see the magical "home" she gave it in an old iron pot in the garden - wouldn´t you want to go on a retreat there, if you were a bee? :-) She was so pleased to see, that it was drinking the nectar from the flowers, and even wanted to bring it inside the house over night. But we explained to her it would be better off outside in the garden. Next morning she rushed out to see, if it was okay, and it was gone! So hopefully her loving care and fresh flowers had given it strength to fly again. Anyway - it really moved me, and shined a light into the day, and still does :-))

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onsdag den 4. maj 2011

Hurrah - no holes! (Mor mor - han borede slet ikke!)

You´ll have to bare over with me, since I haven´t get learned how to place a photo on the blog. But in this empty space you can imagine a picture of a smiling mouth with clean, white teeth with no holes :-)

Today I went to my 6 months check by the dentist, and he declared there were no holes at all. I almost danced out on the street, jumping in the air with joy and surprise, it really brightened my day! Now, this might seem a bit over the top to you, but if you knew how many times my teeth have been repared through life (and the cost of it), you would appreaciate it too;  Growing up in the sixties, there was no children-dentist-check as now a days. So the first time I saw a dentist, I was 6 years old, and with 6 holes in the teeth, ouch!! Over the years I have had regular checks, and 9 out of 10 times some of the teeth have needed to be repaired, or new holes have appeared. Not because I don´t clean my teeth, they just seem to be not very strong.

Lately I read an article, that science have now discovered how wisdom and intelligence hangs together with the amount of teeth in the mouth. Interesting, since babies are born without teeth, and change their set of teeth whilst growing up (around the age of 7, when they are ready to start in school, interestingly enough).
So the article said, that loosing all the teeth and getting false teeth, do affect the way of thinking, knowledge and memories in the person. Well, that information made me want to actually try to keep my teeth ( - over the years I sometimes wished they were replaced by false teeth once and for all, so there would be no more holses to repair!), and also - since I lost 3 of my teeth - gave me an explanation why I sometimes forget where I put my things LOL

So - take good care of your teeth!! ;-))

tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Hallo and Wellcome

This is the very first attempt to write a post on the very first day of being a "blogger".
This blog has been on my mind for a long time, and I guess the meaning of it unfolds on the way. Part of my purpose is to capure and recognize some of all the bright little moments in life, and to share them with whatever or whoever wants to read and listen. We live in a world, where the daily news is often coloured by all the disasters and hopelessness in the world. And one can have periods or days, where life seems not bright at all, and where darkness colours even the sunny hours. However, I have come to learn, that even through dark periods it is always possible to look for, and find even a small bright moment, that can lift the spirit. It can be a smile, a friendly hand, the smell of a flower, the gratitude of simply being alive and knowing that at least God must love you and have a purpose for your existence.
Today has been filled with bright moments for me; I met my very dearest friend, who helped me establishing this blog (layout, photo, etc.), and whose blog I´ll recommend you to read; It is called http://www.godslittlepeople.blogspot.com/ (hope the link will lead you there :-) ). She has encouraged me to start a blog of my own, since I often have much at heart, that I share with her on email (she lives in another country than me). So I guess now, dear Joan, that you don´t have to "be subject" to all my thoughts every day, since I can now choose to write some of it on this blog as well LOL ;-)
So this is my attempt to start a new chapter of life, and this is all for today. Have a bright day! :-))