søndag den 24. juni 2012


So ... it is a very long time since I´ve written a post on my blog. It is not because life has not been filled with bright sequins or blessed with rich moments - on the contrary. However, other things have called upon my time and attention.
Anyway - here I am again, mostly because of a requiry from a dear blog fellow of mine: Mariasol from Suchlifeinthetropics.blogspot.com who said, she missed the posts on my blog. Well, Mariasol, I can´t disappoint you, so here we go :-))

What has lately been on my mind, and still is, are words like sisterhood, soul frind, sharing, love, friendship...
I have found myself reflecting over and valueing the fact of being of female gender and all that includes. Maybe because it has not always been so;

As a little girl I was often isolated from others because of illness (asthma, bronchitis). My "destiny" caused me to be an outsider in school, and so I was not included in any of the girl groupings, and ended up disliking most of the girls. Not untill I was 21 did I find a true girlfriend. It was like another world opened up, where we could share thoughts, feelings, ups and downs - it was truly awesome...! 

As years went by, girlfriends left me, and others came into my life. I would dare to say, that loosing a girlfriend - at least for me - can be almost as painful as loosing a boyfriend. Psychologist have confirmed that "theory" also, and descriped the grief even deeper when loosing a trusted girlfriend (don´t know how they meassure the level of grief..?) I guess it might have to do with a certain same-sameness, like the bond that is created to the first female in one´s life, namely one´s Mother.

         When I was in my early twenties, I was so lucky to meet an organisation, where women internationally gather and have sharings about what it means to be a female, woman, lady (if you´re interested to know more about it, please email me). In that organisation I found myself so much at home, confirmed in my natural birth right, and finding explanations on all kind of issues to do with being a woman. I found a purposefull gathering, and not a gathering of women gossiping about others and competing about their outer portrail. Truly amazing and very healing and uplifting. (Sorry about not one but two pictures of  "The Three Graces", having troubles with deleting one of them)

Personally I can say, that today I value true girlfriends more than ever. I have a few, near ones, who care about me (even one closer to the core of my heart than I would have ever believed to be possible). Others are more at a distance, but never the less always giving a smile and an encouragement or resistance if needed. At work some of the female colleges are not too nice, but I try to encourage the best in them, since they have not been as lucky as me perhaps...

How about you - do you have a special girlfriend, and do you (if being a female) find yourself valuing your gender and its natural gifts?
I guess we have a big job as women to devellop our natural skills and encourage the best in men, so that we can work together in mutuality. What a different world this could be..!!