søndag den 24. juni 2012


So ... it is a very long time since I´ve written a post on my blog. It is not because life has not been filled with bright sequins or blessed with rich moments - on the contrary. However, other things have called upon my time and attention.
Anyway - here I am again, mostly because of a requiry from a dear blog fellow of mine: Mariasol from Suchlifeinthetropics.blogspot.com who said, she missed the posts on my blog. Well, Mariasol, I can´t disappoint you, so here we go :-))

What has lately been on my mind, and still is, are words like sisterhood, soul frind, sharing, love, friendship...
I have found myself reflecting over and valueing the fact of being of female gender and all that includes. Maybe because it has not always been so;

As a little girl I was often isolated from others because of illness (asthma, bronchitis). My "destiny" caused me to be an outsider in school, and so I was not included in any of the girl groupings, and ended up disliking most of the girls. Not untill I was 21 did I find a true girlfriend. It was like another world opened up, where we could share thoughts, feelings, ups and downs - it was truly awesome...! 

As years went by, girlfriends left me, and others came into my life. I would dare to say, that loosing a girlfriend - at least for me - can be almost as painful as loosing a boyfriend. Psychologist have confirmed that "theory" also, and descriped the grief even deeper when loosing a trusted girlfriend (don´t know how they meassure the level of grief..?) I guess it might have to do with a certain same-sameness, like the bond that is created to the first female in one´s life, namely one´s Mother.

         When I was in my early twenties, I was so lucky to meet an organisation, where women internationally gather and have sharings about what it means to be a female, woman, lady (if you´re interested to know more about it, please email me). In that organisation I found myself so much at home, confirmed in my natural birth right, and finding explanations on all kind of issues to do with being a woman. I found a purposefull gathering, and not a gathering of women gossiping about others and competing about their outer portrail. Truly amazing and very healing and uplifting. (Sorry about not one but two pictures of  "The Three Graces", having troubles with deleting one of them)

Personally I can say, that today I value true girlfriends more than ever. I have a few, near ones, who care about me (even one closer to the core of my heart than I would have ever believed to be possible). Others are more at a distance, but never the less always giving a smile and an encouragement or resistance if needed. At work some of the female colleges are not too nice, but I try to encourage the best in them, since they have not been as lucky as me perhaps...

How about you - do you have a special girlfriend, and do you (if being a female) find yourself valuing your gender and its natural gifts?
I guess we have a big job as women to devellop our natural skills and encourage the best in men, so that we can work together in mutuality. What a different world this could be..!!

søndag den 14. august 2011


During the last week our neighbour has been on a holiday, so we have looked after her cat and her guinea pig and her cat. The dog was at her fathers place till yesterday, where it came home to her house, and we had promised to go for a long walk with him (his name i Toffee). the little guinea pig is SO sweet, and I love the little noises of calling for food. It amazes me, that she can eat two large carrots and lots of hay within a very short time - the carrots being much bigger than her little body. She really is cute and reminds me of my own two guinea pigs I had as a child :-)

Toffee is a golden retriever and the kindest dog-soul on earth. The girsl were crazy about walkning him in his line, and we had bought him some "dog-yummy" stuff for the trip. Taken into account that he was home alone, and we had never just walked into his house without his owner being there, I was a bit scared of his reactions. But he was happy and overwhelming joyfull, when he found out we were taking him for a walk. It´s just so thrilling to see the joy of a dog, being so grateful for a bite to eat and a walk in the territory. He lives close to a castle and a nice nature area, so it was a pleasure for all of us!

Aww, isn´t he just lovely? And so warm and faithfull :-))

Finally back home again with Toffe, the cat was waiting for its food. It´s such a strange cat, it doesn´t miaw like other cats, but gives out a sound like a grumpy "where have you been, where is my food, hurry up!" It´s absolutely adorable and with its own special catty-charm ;-)

Ufortunately, due to allergy, we can´t have furry friends inside the house, but do have three outdoor rabbits, that are very cute. But it was so special to "pet-sit" these animals, so we told our neighbour we would love to do it again another time. So quick to build a bond with these furry companions. And an endearment that will last forever ...
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søndag den 7. august 2011

Summer holiday, last part..

Some of my best memories from childhood come from this little village in a part of Danmark called Mols (the bottom of the "nose" in Jutland). My grandmother lived here, and I used to spend part of my summerholidays with her. This summer I went for a daytrip with my own family to the village, and - believe it or not - the same atmosphere of peace and settlement still lives there, just like time has left the place alone and the wonderful nature too.

Isn´t it a beautiful view? The fields go right down to the ocean, and the sound of the wind in the fields - it´s so calming...

Cornflowers - like little fairies´ dresses :-)

Lavender, sharing its scent with us, and its awesome colour.

A "butterfly tree" so attractive to butterflies, many butterflies gather on each flower. The smell is very sweet.

I hope you, too, know of a special place, where peace and tranquility lives. Go to that place whenever you can. I believe that place, and what lives there, has an affair with you, as well as you have an affair with it. And if you haven´t found that place yet, I´ll happily share this place with you, so just let me know and I´ll send you the adress :-)
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fredag den 29. juli 2011

Summer holiday part One

We were lucky to borrow a sumer house in a part of Denmark called Djursland. As you can see it is very close to the sea, and the atmosphere is light and contained at the same time. Time for playing, walking, playing Monopoly - and just being alive and dwelling. No computers, no telephones - isn´t that what holiday is about, having space and peace to just be together and feel the deeper lives inside? Yes, for me it is :-)

My lovely husbond enjoying himself with a book - he simply loves reading.

VERY relaxed ... :-)

Blueberries we found near the beach - so juicy and healthy too, and perfect "dressing" with some icecream underneath ;-)

One of the beautiful sunsets, isn´t it just magical?
More pictures to follow soon, in case you want to see more danish landscapes.
Hope you´re enjoying summer too, and perhaps have had a wonderful holiday already, or maybe one to come soon :-D
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lørdag den 23. juli 2011

Support for Norway ..

Yesterday was indeed one of the most awful days for hundreds of families in Norway; A norwegian man, a political extremist, had planted a bomb in a car in the middle of Oslo, the capital of Norway. It killed at least 7 people and damaged the government building and several buildings around. The man afterward went to a small island, where more than 500 youngsters were on a political summercamp. He was dressed in police clothes, and started shooting everyone, and at least 84 young people were killed ... so shocking, so terrible - no words can describe the horror..
So with this post I want to make a mark against violence, and send my support to the many relatives of those killed, and to Norway and the democracy which is a building stone in the country.
The picture above is from a place in Norway, that I have often visited. May the peace and strength and beauty from that place help to heal and balance the terror that came to take away. May God be with those in pain, and help them throught their worst days of nightmare.
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torsdag den 7. juli 2011

Strawberry fields ...

Forgot to give at title to the strawberry pictures, so here it comes :-)

Enjoying the abundance on this Strawberry field of Mother Earth, I´ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
Going away on a holiday for a while, and wish all of you a wonderful summer ...

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